Welcome to Malolo Skimboards

Imagine you are at the beach holding your new skimboard under your arm.  As you reach the water's edge you hold your board in your hands, ready to launch, you start to slowly run, picking up speed as you go.  You drop your board onto the thin film of water just ahead of you and you instinctively pace your run so that you just step onto your board in the correct riding position.

You are feeling the addictive rush of exhilaration combined with adrenaline now as the board takes on your momentum and smoothly speeds across the water.  If you're skimming "flat-lands" you might add a 360 spin or a shove-it to your ride...or, if you're skimming the waves, you might just hit the shore-break so hard that you pull off a big snappy turn at the top and drop into the wave of your life (without fins!)...and just step off at the end when its all over!

The Boards

All Malolo Skimboards are hand-built using traditional surf/skimboard construction methods here on the South Coast of the UK.

Shaped, stained (Woodie) or sprayed (Foamie) and glassed in the same way boards were made up until the late '80s creating a sense of nostalgia and at the same time promoting the ideology of returning manufacturing to Great Britain.

Why Malolo?

Malolo Skimboards is a name derived from Malolo Surf designs, a small business I used to have building surfboards and skimboards.  I originally founded Malolo Surf Designs in 1990 in a small basement shaping room under the sea front hotel which was my home at the time in Weymouth UK.

"Malolo" is a word from the South Pacific language "Tok Pisin" which means:-

Noun ~ rest
Verb ~ to rest

Because I have learned to enjoy life once again, I only work in a real job for six months of the year, and I spend the other six months resting (or building some skimboards) and I would imagine that you might want to go skimming when you're off work too ;)

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For reference on "Malolo" and its meaning, go to http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/malolo